Every dog owner understands the frustration of walking into a room and discovering a puddle of urine on the floor—worse yet, stepping right into it. Whether it’s a new puppy still learning the ropes or an otherwise completely house-trained adult dog having an occasional accident, these incidents are natural and common yet remain equally unpleasant.
Why Dogs Pee in the House
The good news is that there are usually easy fixes to redirect this behavior. Providing a more accessible indoor bathroom space, like grass pads for dogs, can be a convenient solution. However, determining why your dog is peeing in the house is the first step in effectively addressing this issue.
Insufficient House Training
One common cause is insufficient housetraining, where your dog has not fully grasped the concept of going outside or to a designated bathroom space to relieve itself. Reinforcing your dog's routine with regular feeding and bathroom breaks can help solidify its training.
Urine Marking
Additionally, some dogs may assert dominance over their territory by urine marking, particularly after a new pet or person has been introduced into the household, like a new baby. This behavior is most prevalent in unneutered male dogs. Having your dog neutered or spayed can often help address this issue.
Submissive Urination
Other dogs may exhibit submissive urination, characterized by peeing when approached by people or when they hear loud noises. This behavior is often accompanied by submissive postures like crouching, tail-tucking, or exposing their bellies. It is often a sign of a dog's anxiety or a history of harsh treatment.
Dogs can also have accidents indoors when they experience separation anxiety or due to significant changes in their environment or routine. As creatures of habit, maintaining a consistent schedule or helping young puppies adjust to a new one can alleviate this issue.
Health Concerns
Health problems like urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and incontinence, which are more common in older dogs, can also affect your dog's bathroom habits. Consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How to Stop Dog from Peeing In the House
Identify the Trigger: Understanding why your dog is peeing in the house, whether it's the lack of potty training, territorial marking, submissive urination, anxiety, or underlying health issues, allows you to take appropriate steps to correct the behavior and provide a happier and more sanitary home.
Potty Training: By pinpointing the trigger, you can implement targeted strategies, such as re-establishing a consistent routine of regular feeding and bathroom breaks. This will help your dog understand when and where it is appropriate to relieve itself.
Increase Potty Breaks: Take your pup outside or to the dog grass pee pad immediately after drinking, eating, and waking from naps to reinforce the habit of going to the right place. This consistency will help them understand the appropriate place to relieve themselves, reducing the risks of accidents.
Set Up Grass Pads for Dogs: Place them in convenient and familiar locations around your home, indoors, outdoors, on the patio, or the balcony. Gotta Go Grass® pads for dogs use natural grass to recreate the outdoor environment and help your dog identify it as an acceptable spot for potty.
Use Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog with praise or a treat every time it successfully pees in the appropriate place. Positive reinforcement encourages your pup to repeat the desired behavior, thus solidifying their training.
Seek Veterinary Care: Consult with your veterinarian for guidance, diagnosis, and treatment of possible medical problems, like a urinary tract infection that could trigger your dog to pee indoors. Addressing underlying health conditions is essential for your dog's health and resolving inappropriate dog-peeing issues.
Get Professional Help: If your dog continues to pee inside the house despite a concerted effort to stop this behavior, consider getting help from a dog trainer or behaviorist. These professionals provide training and insights tailored to address such persistent issues in dogs.
What to Do When Your Dog Pees in the House
Accidents happen—that's the fact. In these situations, it's crucial to avoid punishing your dog for peeing in the house. Hitting, yelling, or sticking your dog's nose in their urine will only increase their anxiety. Instead of learning that peeing indoors is inappropriate, your dog may become fearful, hiding when they need to go and being afraid to give you a cue, resulting in more accidents.
Positive reinforcement is the way to go. Praise and reward your dog when it pees in the right place to encourage good behavior. Clean up accidents immediately with an enzymatic cleaner to completely remove the smell. This prevents your dog from associating the same spot with an appropriate place to pee. Keep cleaning supplies and waste bags handy to manage these house-soiling situations promptly and effectively.

Avoid Indoor Accidents with Gotta Go Grass®
For a sanitary and convenient solution for your dog's potty breaks, consider Gotta Go Grass®. Our grass pee pads for dogs are long-lasting and have natural moisture and odor-absorbing properties, helping you maintain a clean environment. When hiring a dog walker isn't an option, these products ensure your dog can relieve itself on time, even with a busy schedule.
Ready to make life easier for both you and your dog? Visit the Gotta Go Grass® website to shop.Â