
Why Does My Dog Pee on My Bed?

by Bethel Farms on Oct 31, 2022

Why Does My Dog Pee on My Bed?

Dogs are every person's best friend, but that doesn't mean we let them use our beds as toilets. Many first-time dog owners struggle with potty training their dogs, especially if they have to clean the carpet or bed. A dog peeing on a bed has many dimensions and solutions.

Why does my dog pee on my bed? The reasons can range from training to marking, accidents, medical issues, and behavioral factors. Read on for a comprehensive guide to why your dog pees on your bed.

You Haven't Done Proper Training

Before you ask yourself, "why does my dog pee on my bed," determine if you've done proper training. Many people make the mistake of thinking it's easier or comes naturally. You must potty train a dog if you don't want them peeing in the house.

There are many types of reasons your dog might pee, and we will get into all of them. However, a lack of trained boundaries is a big one. Your puppy needs to know that there are special areas and times when they can pee.

Part of this is going to be on you as the owner. You have to take your dog on regular walks and associate each walk with potty time. Let your dog mark the trees or have a tinkle in the bushes.

The important thing is to be consistent. For example, take your dog for walks every day at the same time. Don't skip a day or be more than an hour late.

A lack of consistency means your dog can't rely on you for their bathroom walkies. If that happens, then don't get surprised when you see a puddle of puppy pee on your bed.

A Note About Puppies and Senior Dogs

Puppies and senior dogs can't hold their bladder for very long. This habit is easy to fix with puppies. After some training, your puppy will know where they're allowed to pee.

Senior dogs might be well trained but have a hard time due to age. In both cases, you need to work around your dog. Get up early or let them out for late-night bathroom breaks.

Follow your dog out, and make sure they do their business in the right place.

They're Marking It

Not all cases of dog pee are the same. Sometimes, your dog needs to relieve themselves; other times, they might be marking. Marking is a specific behavior worth discussing.

Dog pee has a unique smell that's specific to each dog. A dog marks certain areas of its perceived territory, but it isn't doing this to be territorial. Marking is like the dog saying, "hey, I was here!"

Why might a dog mark your bed? It's simple. They love how you smell and want their scent to mix with yours.

Marking is an easy way for your dog to impart their scent on things. They can do this to that pile of clothes you leave on the floor or a favorite blanket.

Be Nice to Your Dog if They Mark

Your dog doesn't realize that marking your bed makes you unhappy, or that their pee might smell bad to you. To your dog, all they are doing is leaving you a little message. They might even think it would bring you comfort to smell them on your bed.

The good thing about marking is that it is a behavior you can train around. Marking is natural, but you can set clear boundaries with your dog. Make sure they understand that the inside of the house is a strict no-marking zone.

One way you can do this is by keeping them in sight and calling them out whenever they look like they want to start. It can be useful to send them outside for a doggy time-out, but you have to be careful. Negative stimuli don't produce good long-term results.

If you yell or stress your dog, they might stop marking and start having anxiety-induced leaks. Implementing a no-bed policy is the best solution, especially if your dog lacks proper training. Don't let your dog on the bed with you until they get their marking under control.

Remember, it's about strict boundaries. No means no, and if you can get your dog to understand that, then they'll stop marking your bed.

It's a Simple Accident

Not every case of dog urination is a behavioral or training issue. Sometimes your dog has an accident.

These are more common with puppies and senior dogs, but they can impact all dogs. Pee pads can help, especially if you are in the training stage. If you have an accident-prone dog, you can teach them to use the pee pads instead of your bed.

Sometimes, your dogs can't make it outside or to the designated pee area. They might think your bed is as good as the carpet or the grass outside.

However, in most cases, a well-trained dog will get embarrassed. This is how you can know it was an accident and not a regular or intentional occurrence. They might try to hide from you or have trouble meeting your gaze.

That said, an accident is an accident. It's not something that should happen on a regular basis. If your dog seems to be peeing on your bed more than anywhere else, something else could be wrong.

If you rule out training issues, then look for environmental factors. However, as this next section demonstrates, it could also be a medical issue.

Potential Medical Issues

A common reason your dog might be peeing on your bed is medical issues.

Like humans, having a UTI makes a dog want to urinate more to try and flush out the bad stuff. It might also be painful, making it hard for them to relieve themselves at all once on their walks. It can even impact your dog's ability to poop.

Some infections are more common for puppies or specific breeds. Outside dogs can also be at higher risk of medical complications.

Incontinence is a big issue for senior dogs. It can be humiliating for them, but they can't hold it. There are things you can do to help, but most of them are preventative measures.

Getting them off the bed and sleeping near pee pads can help. The same is true for doggy diapers or some medications. However, it would be best if you talked to a licensed vet about what options might be right for your dog.

If you suspect that anything medically related is wrong, don't hesitate to get your dog checked out. Book an appointment with a vet and rule out something more serious.

They're Excited

This might be one of the most common reasons for your dog to pee on your bed. Many dogs, especially puppies, can pee when they get too excited. In a lot of ways, this isn't too different from humans.

There are many reasons for them to get excited. You might be revving them up with how you play or talk to them. There might be new and interesting people in your room, house, or passing by.

They also might not have a good handle on their bladder yet. The slightest slip of concentration is enough for a bit of tinkle to come out.

If your dog pees on your bed because of excitement, then you have a choice to make. You can rob them of that excitement, but this is boring and reductionist. You could also work with them to improve self-control.

You'll notice a lot of these tips revert to training. There's a reason why it was first in this guide. In most cases, you have to train your dog if you want them to stop peeing on your bed.

You can start by keeping them off the bed and near pee pads. Once you've socialized your dog and taught them basic obedience, they'll have better control. They won't get so worked up that they'll pee on your bed.

If you can get your dog to the point where they don't move a muscle unless you say so, they should never pee on your bed again.

Your Dog Is Anxious

You might notice this while potty training a puppy, but your dog might be anxious. Fear, stress, and unfamiliar things can all impact your dog's bladder. Your dog might seek comfort in your bed and have an accident if something spooks them.

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of potential triggers. A sudden movement or loud noise could cause your dog to pee on your bed. These triggers can get worse in dogs that have suffered abuse or trauma.

Be Patient

It's important to be patient with your dogs, in general. However, in the case of anxiety, this is extra important. You don't want to rush your dog before they are ready.

The key to getting them to stop peeing on your bed from fear is to help them deal with scary stimuli. Most dogs have obvious triggers that get to them.

For a lot of them, it's loud and unfamiliar noises. Fireworks or vacuums are common banes for dogs everywhere. What decides if your dog will bark at their trigger angrily or cower and urinate on your bed is hard to tell.

You can try exposure training to the trigger in small doses. For example, you could set up an area with pee pads and play the sound of fireworks on your phone. You might also take them outside to a comfy area for them first.

Be very careful, though, as there is a fine line between therapy and torture. You must make sure you are there to comfort your dog and make them understand it's okay. With enough exposure and patience, your dog will learn to tolerate these stimuli better.

The key is to stop them from peeing on your bed while they figure out how.

Your Dog Could Be Acting Out

We've left this one for last because it's one of the most difficult to deal with. Sometimes your dog pees on your bed because it's acting out. Your dog knows they aren't supposed to, but they do anyway out of spite.

It can be hard, but it might help to remember that dogs are complex creatures with developed emotions. They get angry and sad about things and know how to hold grudges. To you, your dog might have no reason to act out, but for them, the story might be different.

If peeing on your bed is a new behavior, try to figure out why. If it's a matter of behavioral issues or acting out, your dog will manifest other signs. They won't listen to your commands, or they might get sassy.

For many dogs, this could be their personality. For every dog, however, you should teach them basic boundaries and obedience. If you see them violating these, then you know something's up.

Finding out what it is will be the first step in getting a misbehaving dog to stop peeing on your bed.

Why Does My Dog Pee on My Bed?

Why does my dog pee on my bed? Now you know! If peeing on the bed is a regular occurrence, it may be time to visit to vet or work on setting new boundaries.

Cleaning up dog pee can be a hassle, but remember not to take it out on your dog. At Gotta Go Grass, we offer the best natural pee pads for your dog to help them make the transition. Check out our shop!

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