
Why Is My Puppy Peeing So Much?

by Bethel Farms on Oct 19, 2022

Why Is My Puppy Peeing So Much?

You come home from work, and you're ready to crash on your couch for a few hours and watch some Netflix when you see it. Your puppy had another accident. 

If you're constantly taking your puppy outside to use the bathroom or coming home to accidents, you might be wondering, "Why is my puppy peeing so much?" 

While puppies do pee more than adult dogs, you also want to be sure it's not an underlying condition. Here's what you need to know about a puppy going potty more than usual and how you can reduce the number of accidents around the house. 

Why Is My Puppy Peeing So Much?

If this is your first puppy, you might be wondering why your furry friend needs to go to the bathroom so often. First, it's normal for young dogs to need to go more frequently due to their smaller bladders. They also lack the control that older dogs have. 

There are quite a few factors that affect growth rate, including genetics and breed. So your veterinarian can't determine with absolute certainty when your dog will reach their fully grown adult stage. That said, they can give a good estimate based on averages. 

Thankfully, your puppy doesn't need to be at their full size before they develop better bladder control. It can take puppies anywhere from four to six months to develop full bladder control. 

You can help prevent the number of accidents with proper training and pads. 

How Often Should You Take Your Puppy Outside?

When housetraining your new dog, you'll want to set a routine and stick to it. Take your puppy out to use the bathroom at regular periods. During the first week, you may need to adjust the frequency you take them out, as puppy training isn't an exact science. 

Generally, you'll take them out every hour for every month of age. For instance, if you have a month-old puppy, they can usually hold their bladder for an hour. 

Again, this is a general rule of thumb and may take some trial and error. Each puppy is different, so you may find yourself taking a puppy potty more often. 

If your puppy is less than sixteen weeks old, you'll notice more accidents as they have trouble holding their bladders at this age. That's normal, and regular training can help. 

How to Prevent Accidents With Training Pads

Puppy pee pads are large, moisture-absorbant surfaces designed to help potty train a young dog. Traditional training pads are designed to be used and then disposed of, though there are reusable options on the market. 

The problem with disposable pads is that they contribute to our landfills. According to the latest data from the EPA, we generate around 4.9 pounds of municipal solid waste per person per day. And that's only here in the United States. 

For eco-conscious consumers, disposable training pads aren't a great option. However, Gotta Go Grass is made of durable natural grass, and it makes an excellent alternative. Since it's a living system, you can compost it or dispose of it without worrying about contributing to our waste problem. 

Follow these tips when training for the best chance at success.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Whether it's overnight or while you're at work, there will always be times you may not be around to let your dog outside. Pee pads can help contain the messes in specific parts of the house and reduce the damage from puppy urine. 

Of course, you'll need to train them to use Gotta Go Grass and teach them to only go in places where you put the tray. 

  • Place Gotta Go Grass in a place where it can get plenty of air and light
  • Take your puppy on a walk with a leash on the grass 
  • Let them get used to it and associate the area with potty time
  • Take your puppy to Gotta Go Grass every hour or so, depending on their needs
  • Give them praise and treats when they use it 
  • When you take them outside to go, be generous with praise, so they make a positive association
  • If you spot an accident off the pee pad, clean it up without making a fuss
  • Avoid relocating the tray, as dogs are creatures of habit

Signs Your Puppy Needs to Go Pee

It's easy to recognize the signs of your puppy needing to pee once you know what to look for. Dogs may whimper or cry when they need to go. They may paw at the door or pace around where you hang the leash or by the door. 

Since puppies need to pee so often, you should try to be home and let them out frequently during their first few weeks. Housetraining your puppy gives you time to bond and is a rewarding experience. 

If you're not around, teach your kids what to do and what signs to look for to help care for their new puppy. It can also help to have a friend or neighbor help out, especially if you need to be away from home for a while. 

Puppies have accidents, even when you're training them. When this happens, it's crucial that you don't punish your dog. Instead, focus on giving them lots of praise and maybe treats when they do well. 

When Should You Be Concerned? 

Although puppies do go far more often than adult dogs, there may be times when the cause is due to a medical condition. If your puppy seems to be going more than usual, it might be due to an underlying condition. Knowing what to look for and when it's time to go to the vet ensures you'll keep your pup happy and healthy. 

Here are some common causes of frequent urination in young dogs. 

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be caused by bacteria making its way up through the urethra and to the bladder. Many pet parents think of UTIs when they feel their puppies are going to the bathroom more than normal. In fact, UTIs are very common in puppies. 

UTIs are usually due to bacteria, which can come from your dog's skin or poop. If this bacteria travels to the urethra, it can cause an infection. Bacteria can irritate the urinary tract, which may result in painful inflammation. 

Ignoring signs of a UTI or misinterpreting it as a behavioral problem can cause kidney issues and bladder infections. UTIs are painful for both humans and dogs, and you may notice signs such as: 

  • Frequently needing to pee 
  • Small amounts of urine 
  • Whining or crying during urination
  • Accidents in the house
  • Leaking urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Licking the genitals

Contact your vet right away if you notice any of the following signs which indicate a kidney infection: 

  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Fever

Male puppies that haven't been neutered may experience problems and infections in the prostate as well. 

Your vet knows the best way to diagnose and treat a UTI. Ask if you need to bring a urine sample. Treatment typically involves prescribing an antibiotic. 


Puppies may also have diabetes, although it's more common in middle-aged pups and older dogs. When a puppy has diabetes, it means their pancreas isn't producing enough insulin or that they can't process the insulin necessary. 

The most common symptoms of diabetes in dogs include drinking more than normal and frequent urination. You may notice more accidents in the house than before. You may also notice weight loss or increased appetite. 

While diabetes has no cure, there are treatment plans to help manage it. Your veterinarian will perform blood and urine tests to check for imbalances, high liver enzymes, and high glucose levels. 

Treatment includes a special diet plan, insulin shots, and regular exercise. 


If your dog has a tumor in the urinary tract or in the kidneys, it can result in frequent urination and more accidents. That said, this usually happens in older dogs, and it's fairly uncommon. 

If you suspect a medical condition, but you can't pinpoint what might be happening, it's important to talk with your veterinarian. They'll advise you on what to look for, changes you might need to make, and whether or not you should bring your pup in for an examination. 

Other Causes of Frequent Urination

Certain medications can also cause puppies to go more than normal. Corticosteroids may make your dog pee more than normal. The good news is that it should stop when your puppy goes off of the medication. 

Frequent accidents may also be a sign of stress. Despite proper training, puppies and dogs may occasionally regress and have accidents when they're feeling anxious or stressed. This can happen for many reasons, such as moving to a new house or loud noises. 

Be patient with them and remember to praise them when they do a good job. 

Potty Training a Puppy Made Easy

We often hear, "Why is my puppy peeing so much?" As a pet parent, you can now relax knowing the reason. 

Housetraining a puppy involves a lot of trial and error, and you should expect a few accidents. It takes time to learn your pup's potty schedule, but once you figure out how often to let them go and teach them to use training pads, your job becomes much easier. 

Gotta Go Grass looks more attractive in your home or condo, and it gives your furry friend a place to go when you can't be there to let them out. Plus, it's all-natural and has built-in odor control to keep your home smelling fresh. 

Browse our products and see the Gotta Go Grass difference for yourself!

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